

Same Day Delivery

When you need a replacement part or other equipment as fast as possible, our hot shot delivery options can help get it to you on a quick, direct route.

How We Do It 

XPD offers exclusive vehicle, expedited shipping options. We are conscientious and take special care to make sure the needs are met of the the customer.

Expedited Freight

XPD can usually dispatch within an hour of your call. We can also go to your vendor locations and pickup material, shipping to the Memphis, Tennessee area, Eastern Arkansas, and Northern Mississippi area. Your shipment travels in smooth-riding cargo vans and is not prone to the normal damages or movement sustained in larger vehicles or air shipments.

LTL Shipping 

LTL refers to less than truckload shipping. While some businesses can fill an entire truck with their inventory, others may have less and need to find alternatives. We can accomodate smaller load size and provide you with several options. If the delivery doesn't need to be made the same day, LTL is an option to ask one of our specialists about.

shipping value.